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Norton Gets Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Authorized for Federal Construction, Leases and Renovations in D.C.

October 30, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), a senior member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure today said the committee last month approved prospectuses for the construction, leasing and renovation of federal office space in the District of Columbia valued at up to $873 million.

"Keeping federal agencies and bringing others here is always one of our priorities," Norton said. "The D.C. economy and our residents benefit both from federal employees spending money in the District and from the federal funds spent on construction, leasing, and maintenance of federal buildings. Construction work done in concert with federal agencies is especially beneficial during the pandemic because most of it does not involve close contact. Moreover, D.C. residents are even more likely to be employed by federal agencies when they are located in the District."
